Monday, November 30, 2009

Morgan Grace - Fall, 2009


Originally uploaded by Nana Sainton

Denise and Mikael

Denise and Mikael
Originally uploaded by Nana Sainton

My Boy

My Boy
Originally uploaded by Nana Sainton

Denise & Mikael

Denise & Mikael
Originally uploaded by Nana Sainton

Mikael and Morgan

Mikael and Morgan
Originally uploaded by Nana Sainton


Originally uploaded by Nana Sainton

Danielle, Mikael, Fabrice, Morgan

Gabrielle, Mikael, Morgan, Madeleine*

Gabrielle, Mikael, Morgan, Madeleine

Originally uploaded by Nana Sainton

Gabrielle, Mikael, Morgan, Madeleine

Originally uploaded by Nana Sainton

Gabrielle, Mikael, Morgan, Madeleine

Originally uploaded by Nana Sainton

Gabrielle, Mikael, Morgan, Madeleine

Gabrielle, Mikael, Morgan, Madeleine

Originally uploaded by Nana Sainton


Originally uploaded by Nana Sainton

Michele & Chris

Originally uploaded by Nana Sainton

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Originally uploaded by Nana Sainton

Originally uploaded by Nana Sainton

Originally uploaded by Nana Sainton

Originally uploaded by Nana Sainton

Originally uploaded by Nana Sainton

Michele & Chris

Originally uploaded by Nana Sainton

Mom & Morgan 2

Mom & Morgan 2
Originally uploaded by Nana Sainton

Mikael & Morgan

Mikael & Morgan
Originally uploaded by Nana Sainton

Maddie the Cook

Maddie the Cook
Originally uploaded by Nana Sainton


Originally uploaded by Nana Sainton

Maddie, Isabelle, Morgan, Gabrielle & Lily

Three Cousins & Two Dogs

Miss Madeleine Grace

Miss Madeleine Grace
Originally uploaded by Nana Sainton

Fabrice, Morgan & Maddie 2

MacCarthy Barn 2

MacCarthy Barn 2
Originally uploaded by Nana Sainton


Originally uploaded by Nana Sainton

Miss Morgan Grace - I

Miss Morgan Grace - I
Originally uploaded by Nana Sainton

Miss Morgan Grace - II

Miss Morgan Grace - II
Originally uploaded by Nana Sainton

Miss Morgan Grace - III

Miss Morgan Grace - IV

Miss Morgan Grace - IV
Originally uploaded by Nana Sainton

Friday, November 27, 2009


Isabelle & Lily - 3
Originally uploaded by Nana Sainton

Originally uploaded by Nana Sainton

Isabelle and Lily - 1

Isabelle and Lily - 1
Originally uploaded by Nana Sainton

Le mariage est censé être pour le meilleur et pour le pire. J’espère que le meilleur arrivera bientôt, car j’en ai vraiment, vraiment très marre du pire. Et du pire du pire, on en aurait vécu plus que tout depuis le 16 mars 2007.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

F est enfin auprès de moi et cherche du travail mais se décourage beaucoup. Il dit regretter avoir quitté la Californie, mais notre mariage avait commencé vraiment à se désintégrer, alors cette décision a été ce qui le sauverait.

Pour ma part, je continue à travailler et je gagne assez pour payer notre logement et à manger et tout ça, mais pas pour les billets d’avion. Sans que F trouve quelque-chose très bientôt, je ne sais pas du tout comment on fera pour rentrer en France.

F a décidé que, tout compte fait, il ne veut pas rester aux US après tout. Il n’aime pas les américains, il n’aime pas les émissions de télé, il n’aime pas du tout le fait qu’il ne trouve pas de travail ici, etc. Dès qu’il reçoit l’arrêté de son boulot il va demander à regagner son poste à Bobigny, ce qui prendra environ 3 mois. Nous rentrons avant le 31 janvier, date à laquelle sa carte verte expire. Mais d’ici-là il faut absolument qu’il trouve quelque-chose pour que l’on puisse nous acheter nos billets d’avions et faire parvenir nos quelques affaires en France.

Au moins il n’aura pas de regret à se faire, il aurait appris beaucoup d’anglais, il aurait travaillé ici, il aurait tout fait pour réussir, et changer de pays à 40 ans n’est pas façile, je peux vous le dire, même si on connaît le pays et la langue et que l’on y ait déjà vécu, mais le tenter sans connaître le pays, sans bien connaître la langue, sans y avoir vécu, et en pleine crise économique et sociale n’est pas du tout évident. Je suis très fière de mon mari, et j’espère seulement que l’on trouvera le moyen financier de tenir le coup quelques semaines de plus et de s’acheter les billets d’avion qu’il nous faut.

F postule pour de nombreux postes chaque jour et j’en fait de même de sa part, mais on n’a rien trouvé, pas un seul coup de fil, rien du tout. C’est décourageant et décevant. Je ne sais pas du tout comment on va trouver le moyen de rentrer, mais il faudra trouver quelque-chose. En plus, comme jeudi est férié, il y a moins de gens qui pensent à embaucher et plus de monde qui pense à la fête de Thanksgiving et a passer du temps en famille. Croisons les doigts quand même.

Sur ce, je vous embrasse bien fort et je vous laisse pour aujourd’hui. Je n’ai pas le moral et je suis un peu mal foutue aujourd’hui.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Best Buy

People appear to be upset at Best Buy's advertising choices.

Does this offend you?

I think it rather dismaying the level of intolerance in this country, particularly of anyone of the Muslim FAITH. I do not condone terrorism or extremism based on any particular belief. Not 9/11, not animal activist bombings, not killing doctors who perform abortions, etc. But there is a big difference between intolerance and discrimination of an entire religious belief, especially without being schooled in the said faith, and intolerance of violence, aggression, hatred and terrorism.

That and the violent anti-Obama things that I read on FB often make me want to quit using it entirely. I am not a big Bush fan, and never thought Reagan to be anything more than a hologram, but I am not about to spew forth the hatred, venom, racist and anti-patriotic verbal violence that I have seen people write.

This all dismays me.

It truly saddens me to see what has happened to our country, our respect towards others, and our manners over the past 25-30 years. Truly.

For at least that one reason, I won't be sorry to have to leave in the next couple of months. The values I believe in, liberty, tolerance, respect, politeness, etc., seem not to matter to so many people anymore. Not to anybody in particular, personally, but so many people I read or interact with on a daily basis.

It's really too bad.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

F finally came to MN from CA where he was working, but we couldn't afford to live anymore. He hasn't been able to find a job here. It's hard because he's got 20 years in as a federal police officer in France, and a year's work at McDonald's when he was 17. He's applied for security jobs, which is what he was doing in CA (you have to have applied for naturalization to work as a cop in the US, which we didn't know before getting his green card), and has applied for all sorts of things, but no luck yet. We don't have a car, as we sold our car in France before coming here for F to fulfill his American Dream, but we haven't had enough money since to buy one here.

We had come to the US when he first got his green card in 2008 and he had joined the Army. But then his administration called him back to France for six months, so the Army had to release him after just two weeks. He's tried to re-enlist but has been in that process since May with no luck.

He's asked for a renewal of his leave of absence, and as soon as we get the orders, he's going to ask to go back into service in his job in France. He was a brigade supervisor there, and will have to have some renewal training and pass a physical, but there's nothing that should prevent him from getting his job back there.

I hate to see him lose faith in the country he was so excited to immigrate to. Being a cop in France isn't easy. There's a lot of immigration problems in and around Paris, where he works, and tons and tons of anti-police violence.

And to think, before I got married and moved to France, I was working teaching France for the Department of Defense in Monterey, CA, had a great apartment on the beach (I'd have to shut my sliding glass doors because the sound of the waves breaking would keep me up at night), etc.

Since I went to live in France for almost all of the first two years of our marriage, my daughter decided to live with her deadbeat dad of a father in Wisconsin, where she has two baby sisters and another on the way. Having her want to do that broke my heart.

The economic problems in the US, so much more so now than just a year and a half ago have really broken F's spirit, as has not ever hearing a yes or no from the Army, etc.

His green card was conditional, as we had been married less than two years when it was issued. It expires January 31. It costs $545 to renew, and not only can we not afford to do so under the circumstances, but if he can't get a job, then we can't afford to stay here, but don't even have the money, yet, to go back.

The way it stands, he has to leave by January 31. After the difficulties for our marriage with him in CA and me in MN for 3 months, I'm not letting him go without me! But I have to go to court for my daughter on December 1, so we can't leave before then even if we had the money!

Life kind of sucks, but you do what you have to do, doncha' know.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Nouvelles du Mardi

Nous n'avons toujours pas eu de réponse de l'armée, ni pour F et son engagement, ni pour moi et le poste d’enseignante en Caroline du Nord. La carte verte de F expire le 31 janvier et nous n'avons pas l'argent qu'il faut pour payer la demande de renouvellement, surtout tant que l'on n'ait pas reçu de réponse pour aucun de nous. Si jamais, par contre, l'un de nous reçoit une réponse positive, on a toujours le temps de faire la dite demande, et on resteras aux US, ou dans une base de l'armée. Si l'on me dit oui à moi, je serais affectée en Caroline du nord. Si on lui dit oui à F, on ne sauras ou on sera qu'après sa période d'entraînement.

Ici, il fait frais mais très beau. Nous sommes allés au Mall of America hier pour que F puisse chercher du boulot et pour que je puisse me changer les idées un peu. J’ai enfin eu l’occasion d’acheter des cartes postales du Minnesota car j’en cherchais depuis des semaines et des semaines sans en trouver nulle part !!

Saturday, November 14, 2009