Sunday, December 20, 2009

Apple Valley Senior high School - Class of '83

I spent most of my time at AVHS frightened and painfully shy. Things were not good at home, but I would have been a scared little shy girl nonetheless.

I'm not so bad anymore, but still rather on the reserved side, although I *try* to be consistently friendly, respectful, polite and to treat everyone with the knowledge that he or she has something to offer, that no one is more important or intelligent than anyone else (we have different kinds of intelligences, but none it either better or worse than any other.

A AVHS FB friend recently spoke to me about such things, presenting her general interpretation of me from back in the day. Her kind words have made my day. Not only did I think I was invisible in high school, but I never thought I was fun. Nowadays I just try to be nice and make things as fun as possible, but I remember myself as being so extremely shy and frightened in high school that her memories of me then have really made me feel good!

Thank you so much for that precious gift! (As I have already said this in a private message, she knows who she is).

I am sharing this because I think it captures, in a nutshell, how we all can love and care for one another all these years later; how we know each other's truths, and can recognize the soul of a true friend.

After my thanking her, this lovely woman responded:
"High school does not bring out who people really are, especially you. You have a great personality, always have and need to let it shine."

I think that goes for so many of us, so I wanted to share this little story, as I have been touched and am smiling at the wisdom and insight of this lovely classmate's words.

Love and hugs to all of you! And remember who you really are, and the gift that you are to the people who know you (even if you aren't a member of AVHS' Class of '83!!! LOL!)

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